Wrong site! This blogger is no longer the official website of Kelly Varesio & Insperatus, and will no longer be updated. Please head on over to KELLYVARESIO.COM, the new website for all updates and information! Thanks!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The December Post is Here!

And sorry it came so late!

My first semester of college is over, thank God, and I survived! Well, more or less...I've lived to die another day is more like it, because starting January 25th life will be taken away from me as my nose is forced to be in the books again.

BUT not to worry--I have about two months of freedom, wherein I plan on writing as often as possible. There have been a few little setbacks as far as the release of the sequel goes, meaning that it may take longer to be published than I had first hoped, but that's just some minor bad news. The good news is writing will be rampant this months (I hope) in the midst of Christmas shopping and wrapping and family. It's such a relief for me to finally be able to put my work full-time into writing again, my favorite occupation, no matter how temporary full-time may mean for me.

Oh--some other bad news, though not new news. So many bookstores are closing, that NJ is starting to make it HARD to find bookstores! Many of the stores I've worked closely with for book signings are closing, progressively further and further from me. It's a shame that the art and hobby or reading are taking such a toll these days. No one seems to have time to read anymore--I understand the feeling. In such a fast-paced world, who has two hours a day to simply sit and read--in essence, do nothing but work the imagination? It's a sad ordeal, and one that I hope reverses sooner or later. But this is also why Insperatus is such an easy read--although the plot is thick and busy, the chapters are super short! Read three chapters at a time, a day, and you'll find only fifteen minutes have gone by since you've started. It's perfect for impatient people--like myself.

Lastly, I just want to give you all a recap of updates. The new website is in progress and will be up within the next few weeks, where books will be available directly with personalization options, right from me! The sequel has about three chapters more to be written to have a complete ending, and once that's accomplished I start my own editing; I probably go through it three or four times and add, correct, remove, change things. During my own editing I'll also have one or two special others read it for feedback. Once that's through, I'll reactivate my editor and she'll do another round or so with me. Then it'll come time to publish--which, unless I've hooked a traditional publisher by then, may be self-published. I'm also still in search for the perfect agent to help me with that last part. In 2010 I'll start another book tour with Insperatus, including many weekend conventions throughout the year where I'll be not only selling and signing, but also sketching. T-Shirts are also available--but only for a limited time! During any of my book signings, a t-shirt is available for $5 with purchase of Insperatus. For those of you who already have the book--flash me your copy and the T's yours for $5! Normally it runs for $20, so this is a great deal. In men's sizes as well as women's, this awesome shirt is only available through me directly. Book signings and appearances will be posted on here as they're set-in-stone booked, so keep an eye out! :)

Anyways, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year--you know, just in case I'm so lost in writing that I forget to come out of hiding until then. ;)


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tie, hm?

So you tied my poll between vampire and hybrid, for book two. That means I'll just have to decide between the two, hm?

Well than... an update.

I am currently building a new website which should be up and running within the next month or so. As I believe I've said before, on the new website Insperatus will be sold directly, and there will be numerous more activities. You'll know when it's finished--there will be red flags everywhere on this site, trust me. :)

School? Ha. I finish my first semester December 15th, and boyyyyy that date cannot come fast enough! This has been the roughest 18 credits I've whethered--also the first, and unfortunately not the last. I've been taking care of patients in the hospital once a week, and the other days I school/study/homework it up.

Luckily, I woke up this morning with a sort of brainstorm. I ran from bed to my laptop, still bleary-eyed and uncoordinated. I typed another chapter, which now, is a huge deal. I used to spit out chapters like nothing, but since I've had such a rough time with my sequel it's been like pulling a tooth. I don't think there's ever been something I love so much that I actually avoid doing sometimes... anyway, there's a new chapter added on, I hope to write one more before bed tonight, and that'll leave me with about two chapterd until the sequel is officially closed. This is a big step, guys, even though you can't see anything.

Here's a challenge for you, now. If you are able, leave a comment below this post, answering this question: What is your favorite thing about vampire books? You know, what draws you to them so? The romance? The love triangles? The action? Anything. Write your thoughts. Start a discussion. Jump start your imagination. :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We're moving forward!

Hey guys! My poll over there is tied! How the devil can I make a decision based on what my readers want if it's tied??? Get voting!


Anyway, I figured I'd drop in and let you all know what's going on in my life and in the life of my book, Insperatus!

First of all, I am going to be creating a new website soon. I don't have a projected date yet, as I'm waiting on a few different things, but I will keep you all posted about it. The biggest advantage in creating this new website will be direct-buy online, on the Kelly Varesio/Insperatus Website, instead of through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or other third parties only. This handy dandy feature allows me to not only remove a third party, it will also allow you to buy copies directly through me, wherein they can be personalized however you like! Sound exciting or what?

I also want to let all of you who have read Insperatus, and even future readers, know that the sequel is near finished! I have tied all the pieces together, finished my finale, and am closing the ending--which total, will only take me about 5-10 more pages of writing. This is a big step for the sequel [who's title will be released once editing is finished] and it is a long-awaited green light for the next step.

For now, the rest of 2009, I will not be touring/signing for Insperatus as there are a number of other concerns that unfortunately take priority. However, I am definitely attending Wizard World 2010, in Philly, again, and will also be booking to guest at many other conventions. So starting in 2010, I hope to again be actively promoting Insperatus on the road. Until then, I am finishing my sequel, working with websites, and searching for a good agent. Oh, and I'm still attempting to survive within the rigorous RN college program--which thankfully ends its first semester December 15th! That means homework and studying are in order for the rest of November (wow, how did that happen already??) and the beginning of the Christmas month.

Until next time; hope everyone had a spooktastic Halloween--I know I did--and many wishes for all the upcoming holidays!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I want YOU to VOTE!

So luckily, this past weekend I went camping in Lancaster with my laptop...

And I completed two more chapters of the sequel to Insperatus!

This leaves me with only about eight more to write! I tell you this, because I am giving YOU, my readers, the opportunity to take part in the ending!

What does this mean? Well, I've started a poll, to the right of this update. You technically don't get to know WHO I'm talking about in regards to the poll question--could be an old character face, could be a new one--but nonetheless, I need YOUR HELP! I've decided to turn my writer's indecisiveness into reader action, so please.


The ending of my sequel depends on YOU.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

..::hurray for the daunting future::..

So it is now Fall, and hallelujah for that!

As much as I loved the summer, and spent the beginning of September mourning its loss, I am strangely super excited for this autumn. It's just the best, comfy, sweatshirt weather, you know? And you get to decorate all country-like, and haunted-like in October.

As you pretty much know by now Fall brought on a huge change in my life: college. I miss my high school, especially since my graduating class consisted of 26 kids that were like brothers and sisters, but at the same time I am happy to be in college. It's a lot more relaxed, and I've finally found my niche, figured out what to expect, and what college expects from me. Of course you can probably infer what that means. My writing is priority again. *Applause of thrill!*

So want some updates? Insperatus is now available on the Kindle! I nudged Borders to hurry with their reprocessing (yes, they're STILL reprocessing from my publisher change!). I am part of a writing group that (when I get to attend) helps me get in the mood and imspires me to write even more.


I have only ten more chapters to write until the sequel is finished!

I would love to be able to give you more details on the sequel, but I unfortunately will have to withhold for a while longer. The process is basically as follows: I write a final ending. I reactivate my editor and begin the 6-month long editing process. And once that is done, I publish. So all in all, we're unfortunately looking at about another year until official release, but hey--it'll be worth the wait, I promise. And in between that time, excerpts will be unveiled.

Until then, buy if you haven't, read, and re-read Insperatus! In a time where times are tough, so many people don't realize the amazing power of reading. Really getting to know characters that are just like you living in a slightly different world is such a cool thing. It's such a refresher. For those of you waiting for number two, let your mind wander and wonder by checking out my DeviantArt sketches of the characters. Imagine a plotline like no other...

Check back soon. ______________|

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oh, college...

Wow, guys. It's been over a month. For all of you reading this (and especially my daily guys) forgive me for my delays in writing.

It's hard being a college-going-nursing-school-working-crazy-credit-amount-taking-rare-to-see-anymore author! I wish I could pour every ounce of my time into writing and promoting, but I simply can't with nursing school going on. A two-year RN program sounds impressive, but it definitely whoops your butt on most occasions--and I'm only beginning!

The status of Insperatus? Hovering. It's hovering. It's selling, it's being printed, but it isn't currently being driven forcefully forward into the faces of big-deal-type people. For those of you interested, I am on my age-old, death-defying quest for an agent, who can fight and win over a dragon of a publisher--a big publisher--that will totally put Insperatus on the face of the literary map along side Twilight, True Blood, and every other vampire story that got lucky enough to find that special someone--one more elusive I think than even true love and the prince or princess that comes along with it. Regardless of the trials, there are many queries for Insperatus circulating the US, in the hands of agents [literally] or in their inboxes [electronically]. Meanwhile, my ***sequel*** is almost finished!

All that, among other things, adds that extra gnashing-at-your-teeth aspect to living quite a bit. It's an insanely occupied life I currently lead, but I LOVE it.

I want readers, or possible readers, to know that there is so much headed your way coming out of my head to your hands in the future, you couldn't imagine. But the calendar really is rearing it's ugly head and stealing time away from me like it enjoys to at the moment.

My last comment of this post is in regards to Insperatus--especially to those of you who have not read it yet, but who are merely looking. I can't stress enough how important readers are to an author, because they make or break them. An author has no power over his book. I've probably said before, the best book ever written in the history of history may never be published or go anywhere if no one bothers to take the time to read it. Not that Insperatus falls into the category of the best book in the history of history, [although I'd like to think so ;)] but I think that viewers tend to define or label the book as a 'romance' or 'vampire book' or 'fantasy novel,' when really, most don't know that it truly does have a bit of everything in it. Action, history, romance, fantasy, the paranorma, mystery, suspense... Insperatus honestly has no true genre. But together, all those genres can merge to form something unlike Twilight or Cirque de Freak, or even a Nicolas Sparks book for that matter. Blended together in one book, in Insperatus, all those genres really do bring something different to the table, and I really do urge you to order a copy online or through your bookstore. You and your expectations will definitely be at least pleasantly surprised.

And if you are waivering, please read the excerpts available on this website! :)

Talk to you soon--I HOPE! ;)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So it's been longer than I thought...

Life is wild. It just is.

I'll give you a little insider on my authorian life. My family, friends, co-workers, and pretty much all acquainances attained as a normal eighteen year old girl, don't ever really see me as an author. To them, I'm just a nursing student, and...well, and eighteen year old girl. Even though most of my close people know I wrote a book, they rarely talk about it. And, ironically, I come from a family that doesn't particularly enjoy reading. Don't get me wrong--they're beyond proud, but after the first week of being published, their only question [when they do think of my book] is, "Oh! So how much have you made so far?"

Regarding money. Any author's usual deprivation.

So I've always loved the medical field, and I am very excited about nursing. But the college has this funny way of scaring students. I've already got homework due the first day that I've yet to do, and I have over 12 textbooks, 9 of them being nursing books. I was told I'm going to have to quit any job I may have, as the nursing course will be too rigorous for working. Therefore, I pretty much ought to be working as much as possible this summer...

But where does that annoying working world leave time for me to write? Or spend time simply being an 'author' for that matter? In a nutshell: it DOESN'T. You just have to somehow make time.

UNFORTUNATELY, that's been strikingly hard to do, lately. I haven't been able to promote Insperatus as 'rigorously' as I'd hoped so far this summer. While the booksignings I've had did do wonderfully well, I really desire to put my whole self into accumulating readers and showing the world what a unique read Insperatus really is. But it doesn't matter if it's the best book ever written--if no one knows about it, it won't go anywhere. So that's what I'm going to really focus on in all my free college time--and since I am a writer, and always will be, no matter what, I'll try my hardest to make that time.

Time to not only promote Insperatus, but to finish the sequel. Which is going well. Although I am having quite a bit of writers block, lately...

Lastly, for my readers (or future ones):

I'm going to put another Insperatus excerpt on this site! I've kept (and will keep) the prologue and first chapter available for reading on here, because it gives you a taste of the setting, background, and characters of Insperatus. But I decided to reveal a piece more in the middle of the novel--a piece that greatly differs from the excerpt placed up here so far. I hope that reading the new excerpt will entice those interested to pick up a copy of Insperatus--

--which is available for sale online on most all sites EXCEPT Borders.com now. It always takes them twice the time to reprocess titles. But in time, it will be there, too. :)

Until tomorrow--or sometime in the future--


PS--I've been thinking about some vampire concepts, variations, and similarities. Be sure to check in soon, because I plan on writing a little essay on my take, as well as other takes, on the curse that's taken over the world. The vampire.

Friday, July 10, 2009

E-Book Insperatus!

So, unfortunately, (as it sort of says in the right-columned box over there) Insperatus is currently being reprocessed on all websites [due to my publisher change], so I was told, between all the sites, it will take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks for Insperatus to be available again. This sucks, I know, but I think it's only a short time to wait for something so huge. :) Remember that books are always available through me, at booksignings, and will soon be available on ebay through store sales.

Anyway, besides all that, there is good news. Another way, if you simply can not stand the wait of 8 weeks to order it online, you have the option of downloading an e-book version! The e-book is a new feature to Insperatus, and it allows readers to instantly access and begin reading on the computer, without the shipping or the wait. The e-book version of Insperatus is now for sale on sites such as booksonboard.com, lybrary.com, and various others.

Until next time... ___________|

Monday, July 6, 2009

What A Review!

I just wanted to share something with anyone checking out kellyvaresio.blogspot.com, for a minute. I attached a beautiful paragraph that I really feel compelled to share. It was written by someone I met at the Philly Wizard World Convention, who read my book, has kept in contact with me, and emailed me this wonderful statement:

~~~"I have been so fully engrossed in your delicious book, delicious might seem an odd word used to describe a book but it is actually a term I stole from my literature professor in college...her and I shared the same passion for the written word, and she coined the term delicious in referring to either a book, paragraph, or sentence that was so rich and creatively structured that you can taste it, it's those passages that are so very perfect that you feel every emotion and see every image as though you were the character. The thing I love most is that although [Insperatus] is a familiar genre, it is in no way cliche' or predictable, and you've created an entire alternative universe wherein your story takes place, this is not easily done, as you well know, it is a world of magic and mysticism, where vampires, witches, and werewolves do exist, but so historically accurate that it makes it seem like it could be true. I can tell that, in the books to come, you will continue to delve deeper in developing not only your characters but also this fantastic alternative universe, I hope that you will continue to include factual events in our history in your story and give alternative mystical explanations for certain things. ...To me your book has all the romance of James Cameron's Titanic, the unbridled passion of Twilight, and all the mysticism and adventure of Harry Potter, it is like all my favorite story teller's got together and wrote a book, you are so very talented and unbelievbly creative. I have not yet finished, I have about 20 chapters to go, and I am at the point where I cant wait to see how it ends but I dont want to rush it because I dont want it to be over yet, when did you say the 2nd book would be out? : )...Thank you so much for introducing me to [Insperatus]."~~~

To me, that is the most touching thing--to hear such amazing feedback from readers of my book. Thanks so much, Lisa!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

So very busy...

This summer has come as the perfect time. After I was being pretty bogged down with school [exams were the worst] and work, I've finally had the chance to really focus back in Insperatus and think about what the best thing is for my book.

So I'm in the midst of contacting bookstores to order Insperatus in-store, contacting agents (which is super hard), and if I find a good agent then trying to be picked up by a huge publishing company such as Bantam Books or Simon & Schuster. Being a writer/author comes so easily to me, and it's something I will always do no matter if I'm published or not, but to really be a published author is a whoooooooole different ballgame; one that requires full-time attention and constant movement, or you'll suddenly find yourself really far behind the eightball.

Needless to say I have a huge to-do list, one that continually grows and never gets smaller, but it's something that I'm tackling with joy. I figure I've gotten this far, why can't I keep going? And if I could give my readers one assignment, it would be this: TALK. TALK about Insperatus, if you love it. The biggest reason good books don't sell is because no one KNOWS they exist, and the only way for people to KNOW they exist is to hear about them. So please--5 minutes--hop on Barnes & Noble's website and write a little review. Tell your friends who you think would be interested. You guys could get Insperatus farther than I could ever get it alone.

Thanks. As always. :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Artwork up.

I had a change of plans.

Instead of posting all my art on artofkellyvaresio.blogspot.com, I realized it'd be much smarter for me to upload everything onto my art account at deviantart.com. There is a link to the rightish area that can lead you there--it's an art site, and since I already had an account [MsTwennyFaahve] I went ahead and uploaded all my art onto there. My rates for commission work are on there, too, so check it out!

And artwork aside, I have been looking into a new publisher for my sequel. While it will not be released for about another year, number two to Insperatus is over half way finished. So while I'm doing art and finding a new publisher, I am also trying to find a good agent to pitch Insperatus to large companies such as Bantam, Penguin, and the like. But you know what big publishers look for most in a book? The authors platform. How many REVIEWS the book has. How many fan ratings. Things like that. So please--let other websites as well as other people know how you feel. Promote Insperatus.

Thanks a million. ____________|

Thursday, June 25, 2009


This is just a short post--my last post regarding my Wizard Convention weekend was my big one for the time being--but it is regarding the 'grande opening!' of my new side-site, the art of kelly varesio.

Basically all the information about what it is is on the site itself, the web address simply being 'artofkellyvaresio.blogspot.com' [the direct link is to your right]. As I said before, I've decided to offer custom art for whoever is interested, and each request/commission will be fit uniquely to the person requesting my drawing services.

That's it for now--head on over there to check out what's beginning, and check back soon to watch it grow! :)

Aaaaaaand as always, don't forget [if you haven't bought it already, please do!] about INSPERATUS, my most beloved mind-child, which could use reviews for even better publicity! Help me out as an author, because you the readers are what makes a book take off--you, your reviews, and your word-of-mouth.

~~Thanks, and much love!~~

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wizard World 2009! BANG!

What an eventful weekend!

So I rent a table at one of the biggest comic-cons in the US to sell my book for Father's Day weekend. Not only that, but I draw. Most don't know, but I'm sort of an artist as well as an author, and this weekend I sold just as much art and commission work as books! It was truly an amazing experience. Made a few friends-- shout out to A.J. Nolan, an author working his way up as well as I am-- and met some celebrities. Guests there along side me included Lou Ferrigno [the first and foremost Incredible Hulk himself from the 80's], Ray Park [the underestimated actor who played X-Men's Toad, Darth Mau, and the upcoming Snake-Eyes in the GI Joe Movie], Lelya Milani [Howie Mandell's lucky #13 model], Matt Serra [one of the UFC fighters], Kristanna Locken [actress from Terminator & Pain Killer Jane], and numerous others.

Other than that exhilarating cast of characters, I was able to really get one-on-one with my readers, as well as sell sketches of Insperatus characters. I was asked by one of my buyers if I sold art on my website--and I said no, but it got me thinking. I've decided to offer commission work for anyone interested. In the next few weeks I will be creating another blogspot, where I will only be posting my artwork. There I will offer custom art of your choice.

In conclusion-- a super successful weekend, a chance to meet tons of new people, and best of all, a huge humbling for me: to be paid for something you love to do. It's the most amazing feeling I've ever felt, really. I appreciate my readers more than I can say, so...thank you! Check back soon for even more cool things! :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Storm Before the Calm...

It's been heeeeeeeectic for me lately!
Thought I'd finally update my site to get my mind back to where it enjoys being most. Insperatus is really thriving. I have a good sir over at ofsciencefiction.blogspot.com doing a review for me, so cross your fingers that he gets a lot out of my work. It had been a major hit with local teens, too.
I'm graduating High School June 12th--in a WEEK. To me, that is the most bitter-sweet sensation I have yet to experience in my life. Since I go to a school with kids I grew up with since I was five, it's hard to realize I won't be returning to CCS in September. Instead, I have been accepted into one of the best nursing programs around, at CCC, where I'll be wrapped up in a [condensed from four year] two year RN nursing program, hooked up directly with the hospital. Needless to say, starting in the fall I will be one bussssssy girl. Too bad writing is something my body, mind, and soul just will not give up, so don't believe that schooling, no matter how rigorous, will stop me from my sequel. :}
This summer, as my only sort of relaxation/break time for like another year, I will be promoting my book to the best of my ability. I'll have sooooo much more time to get hooked up with the local papers, fairs, and projects. I have started my search for a big publisher that will pick Insperatus up, so the sequel will have no problem in its publication. My biggest goal for summer is to get Insperatus into just about every SHORE bookstore, as well as Borders in my surrounding Jersey area.
Lastly, I want to explain what Wizard World Philly is, and my part in it. I will have a table at one of the largest comic-cons in the country, along side star artists and celebrities such as Lou Ferigno and various other movie cast. There I'll not only be selling copies of Insperatus and handing out bookmarks and cards [and possibly selling T-shirts! O.O], I'll be sketching as well. I am, as a hobbyist, an artist as well as an author. I have tons of drawings of my characters from Insperatus, and also from Disney characters, Marvel characters, and more. I will be sketching by request for a small fee there, so I'm super excited. This is my next signing, the weekend of the 19th, because until then I'm pretty much booked up with graduation, graduation parties, and work [I'm part-time at a doctor's office].
Anyway, that's about it for now. As I always like to say, YOUR promotion is the absolute BEST way of getting Insperatus higher and higher on the totem pole of those millions of books available for sale. With even minute reviews, or blog write-ups on any forums of any sites, sales for my book rise dramatically. I thank everyone to no end for their support in its promoting. I'll write again soon. :D _______|

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lightning Source!

Things are great!

After all the ridiculous confusion that went on with my publisher, things are looking much clearer and brighter.

Cold Tree Publishing has decided to close its doors for no reason other than the fact that they weren't making good money. Everything for Insperatus will remain the same except for the publisher. All my information and files will now be going to Lightning Source, a major printing company, who will print and distribute my books. Lightning Source is not a publisher, but at this point, I don't need one--Insperatus is already published. It's the printing that's needed, and, ironically, with the publisher stepped out, there is no more middle-man.

The only change readers, or possible readers, need worry about is where to buy--and coldtreepublishing.com is no longer a seller. Other than that, things are selling really well.

By the way, I am looking into getting Insperatus on an audio-book! Don't know how successful I'll be, but it is definitely an option that is open to me...

Check back soon! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


I got some bad new today.

My publisher, Cold Tree Press, is officially closing its doors.

I learned of this not an hour ago, by reading a letter in the mail which the company founder sent out. Because of the economy, and because they were a smaller publisher, they are ceasing to publish any further.
What's that mean for me and Insperatus? Simply more work. Instead of working through Cold Tree, I will be working directly with the printing company, who will print Insperatus on demand as needed by me, not the publishing company.

The company's closure comes as a huge shock to me, and a bit bitterly accepted as I was given no earlier notice. However, I will now be working with all of my sources on a more familiar level, and have my sights set on finding a major publisher to pick up Insperatus. Although my company's closure does sound like a bad thing, and it definitely is as far as its tediousness, more doors are opening for me, and the situation gives Insperatus a better chance of finding a larger network.

I tell you all this for one main reason: online sales. Being that everything is up in the air right now, the online sales thing is a bit confusing. Coldtreepublishingcatalog.com will only be selling books for about two weeks more, and the the site will be removed. I don't know yet what this will mean for amazon, barnes and noble, or the other sites exactly, although it will continue to be on sale through them.

I will update everyone when I know further details, but boy will I be busy. Finishing high school with exams coming up [not to mention CALCULUS, which is the all-time worst subject ever], working part-time, and making all the arrangements for college, the clock and I are not exactly the best of friends.

Things will go on, though--and through all this confusion at the moment, I hope that my readers will continue to support Insperatus and spread the word about it, because that's the best thing possible for it's blossoming!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Insperatus is making it's way around the world!

Thanks for all the support from everyone!

Let me just say, it is quite the compliment to be told that my book is actually better than Stephenie's Twilight series. Most people don't know, and fail to inquire, that I've actually never read the Twilight series or ever watched the movie. Most people don't realize either that I was writing Insperatus around the same time Stephenie Meyer must've been writing Twilight, before it was anything at all. The timing of Insperatus' release seems to be working to my benefit so far, though. Being that I'm from NJ, to hear that Insperatus is being bought around the US as well as in other countries such as Italy, Canada, England, and so on, is the coolest thing ever.

My best advice to possible readers is that while Insperatus is NOTHING LIKE TWILIGHT, if they like that series, they'd like this, being that the genre is similar (although the storyline is set back about 150 years).

Insperatus also introduces a new concept of the vampire as well, one far different from Twilight, Anne Rice's stuff, and even Dracula. While I decided that the traditional vampiric qualities such as death by stake, injury by sunlight or garlic, and no reflection are things I definitely wanted to include, the vampire itself is treated more like a disease than anything else. Insperatus also includes various other supernatural entities that work within the sub-plots.

Last but not least, I am letting everyone know that I'm doing a little remodeling for my page, here. Kellyvaresio.blogspot.com will be where I post all my blog entries and news feeds, so check back often for updates as to where my upcoming signings will be, what is new with Insperatus, and even inside tips of all sorts.

Before I sign off, lemme just list my upcoming appearances: Saturday, May 9th, I will be doing a little signing at Don's Bagels in Glassboro, (my friend owns it), and one-on-one chat will be totally available, starting from 12; Saturday May 16th I will be doing a signing at Brenner's Brew, a coffee shop in Bridgeton, starting at 12 where I will also be reading excerpts from Insperatus; Saturday May 23rd I will be at the Hamilton mall's Border's Express doing a signing, also beginning at 12. My next and largest upcoming signing will be the weekend of June 19th, at the huge Wizard World Comic-Con in Philly, where I will also be sketching there as an artist, as well as signing and selling my book among other various artists and celebrities. {Just for a fun side-note, some of my artwork is posted on deviantart.com, under the name mstwennyfaahve--the link is attached on the side page.}

Thanks for checking in--more new posts are coming your way! Be sure, if you haven't already, to grab a copy of my brain-child, Insperatus!


~Insperatus Excerpt~


The men’s drunken laughter and endless taunting filled the frigid air as a lantern was lit from around a darkened, stone corner. The shadowed guard moved back further into a bend by the dungeon cell, watching the flickering light of the lone lantern grow brighter, the smell of beer filling his nostrils. The light finally exposed the two inebriated sentries shoving a bloodied and shackled prisoner through the dungeon’s narrow hallway. The prisoner was a young man, perhaps in his early twenties, and his body was battered and bruised. As the lantern swung side to side, a swollen and bleeding bite mark could be seen on his neck.
The two sentinels staggered, each one holding onto an arm of the dragging prisoner. As they approached the last cell, by the shadowed man in the bend, the young prisoner was unceremoniously tossed into the iron-barred maw, collapsing upon impact. Locking the cell, they stumbled away, still laughing, and the lantern’s light faded off behind the corner.
The only form of light was that of the crimson-outlined moon filtering through a dusty, barred opening at the height of the cell. The young man, wet with sweat, moved to his knees and stared at his ghostly white hands. The guard felt faint as he watched the prisoner suddenly hunch over and grab his stomach. The writhing man in the cell was wincing and panting. The guard could tell he was trying to bear up despite having been battered by the soldiers. With blood dripping down his neck, the prisoner looked up into the dim light of the cell and let out a stabbing cry. Four of his teeth speared into a point, appearing lengthened and sharp. He felt them inside his mouth, hands shaking hard, a look of shock surfacing on his face. He was changing, and with each change came horrible agony. His pain was evident in his posture; he was bent and twisted. His light brown hair streaked darker.
The guard could see through filtered light that the prisoner’s once unobtrusive eye color was now a brilliant shade of red. The prisoner pulled himself to the other side of his cell where a dusty shard of a worn mirror was hung. His curiosity, despite his terror, was all that could have driven him to search his exterior, and the guard suddenly realized why he had been ordered by his own chancellor to place the mirror there.
Using the last bit of strength he had, the prisoner pulled himself up and looked into the mirror, but he shrank back with fear as he witnessed his strange appearance. As he brought up his hand to feel the mirror, he realized that his reflection was slowly vanishing; soon, there was no reflection at all. He had only a moment to see himself as a strange apparition. He was now a pale and gruesome sight.
The guard could not help but feel pity for the man. The prisoner’s expression had gone from fear to something strangely numb. The captive slid his trembling hands over his stomach, to his chest, and stopped. His breathing—his panting—ceased. His hands rested there until he panicked; he could feel nothing, his heart was not beating. He turned with revulsion and eyes cold as ice toward the watching sentry. The guard watched in abhorrence, with knowledge that the boy saw the guard’s own fear and antipathy within him. He dropped his spear at the sight of the young man and ran off behind the corner.
The prisoner’s eyes had glared at him so questioningly. The sentry heard the man still: panting heavily, cursing whoever heard, and yelling for answers.
But neither the guard, nor anyone else ever answered his echoing screams.

~Chapter 1~

The town was filled with the common bustling and busyness of life. Ladies held umbrellas high to shade their delicate skin from a blistering sun, and gentlemen walked with them, their suits fashioned to please. It was a rather common-man town, but it was a wealthy one nonetheless. The houses were quaint and lovely; gates were swung open and carriages were stationed elegantly along the roads; fields stretched across the plains with horses running blithely among the moss. In the midst of the town activity, the town’s surgeon ran the hospital, the bank was flourishing, the grocer and baker’s shop were eventful, the wine house and auction barn had its customers. There was even a learning institution near Sherwood Street called Barnard that was thriving.
It was May of 1843, and just past the boarding school, across the railroad tracks, Rein Pierson bent over to brush the dust from her dress. She stood straight, looking up at the sky and squinting. The weather in Teesdale was warm and the sky was clear, but it was dreadfully windy, and she had no umbrella or hat to shade her. She did not mind the sun, however, or darkening her skin in it. The weather was too gorgeous to hide from.
Despite enjoying the sun, the wind was so frustratingly fierce that it stirred the dirt from the road high into the air, making her cough. Her hair had been pulled back in a chignon, but she realized she had not made it tight enough. All she could see were the black, wavy wisps of her hair pulled from their placement as they tangled and blew into her eyes. Pushing them behind her ears, she lifted her dress above her ankles to walk across the wide, dirt road.
Opening a large iron gate, she saw old Jonathan Kendrick tip his hat to her. He was hunched over and sweating while raking his yard, as he did every day, around his prized flowers and small trees. He chose to do it himself over his servants.
“Good day, Rein,” he said to her as he propped his arm on the rake, wiping his tanned forearm across his face.
She smiled back in greeting. “Afternoon, Mr. Kendrick. How are you today?”
He glanced up at the beaming sunlight, his heavily wrinkled eyes bunching up. He laughed looking back at her. “Ah, I’m well, dear girl, not granting the sun being hotter today than it should be, but I can see you do not mind it.” Rein smiled as he took another break of laughter. “Is it Saria you’re looking for?”
“Yes,” she replied, shading her eyes with her hand. “Is she home?”
“She’s most likely waiting for you, dear girl! Check around by the garden. She spends all day in that garden of hers behind the estate.”
Rein smiled at him again and thanked him with a nod. She let go of her dress, letting it fall and drag in the dirt, and walked around the back of the estate into the garden.
Saria, a small, thin girl, sat in the garden with her head tilted to the side. She was almost hidden between the ivy and the different sorts of flowers she was watching from the bench. Her parasol was high and her bonnet large, shading her well from the sun. Her dark, braided hair was neatly tied in a ribbon, and she was in a most elaborate dress. She motioned for Rein to come near, but as she approached Saria’s face grew grim with shock.
“Rein!” she called with frantic distress, sitting tall and slapping her hands on her thighs. “Dear Rein! What are you doing to your dress?”
Rein looked down at herself and laughed a little. “It is an old dress, Saria.”
“An old dress especially! It is much too beautiful and antique to be dragging in the garden! Look at the bottom of it—already filthy!”
Rein blinked a few times as her hair blew into her eyes again. “Why do you worry so about my dress?” she asked, taking a seat next to Saria on the garden bench.
“Oh, please do not make me say it!” Saria huffed with intolerance.
Rein smiled. “I merely came to ask you if you’ve spoken with your father yet.”
“About what?”
“Oh, please, Saria, the trip! Have you spoken to him about the trip?”
Saria looked bemused for a moment, but then sighed with a giggle. “I did, I did, yes. Have you written to your own father?”
“I don’t need to write to him,” Rein answered impatiently. “He is still in France, and I’m sure he won’t respond. He hasn’t for fourteen years.”
Saria looked sad for a moment. “You want this much to leave?” she asked with a sigh. “America is beautiful, I am sure, but I do not think your idea of leaving England for it is suitable enough for my parents.”
Rein stared down at her feet. “It isn’t that I want to go to America. I just want to see the ocean, on a ship. Visit a place far from here—”
“Oh, Rein! Can you not give up these dreams of yours? We’re meant to be here! We are barely even allowed to travel around the town, let alone to another country!” She sighed. “Rein, it’s hard to have a serious conversation with you when you are so careless and obstinate about your attire! Look at you; you’re dustier than an ox! Your beautiful face is filthy and your dress—”
“Is dress all you can think about?” Rein asked with a moan. Her smile won Saria over. “I’ve looked into it,” she continued on, forgetting Saria’s distaste. “I’ve spoken to Mr. Harold, the baker, and he said he’s been there. It's wonderful. He said there is a port as close as Easington.”
“But we have no reason to go,” Saria replied, her green eyes looking hopeless. “Can I do nothing to change your mind?”
“Saria, it’s only a trip. Only for a little while. Imagine seeing the ocean on a steamboat! Wouldn’t it be wonderful?” Rein looked at Saria’s father on the front lawn. “I have no one to stop me from going. My father has no choice. I have been out of Barnard long enough to do what I please. I have the money.”
“You know that my parents tried very hard to get you out of that boarding school to live with us, but your father—” Saria cleared her throat, and then she smiled. “And I must agree, Rein, that I would enjoy a trip away from here.” Her smile became mischievous. “And I am going with you…I’m just trying to persuade you to stay.”
“Persuade me to stay?” Rein repeated, still pushing the lingering thought of Barnard from her mind. “Why persuade me?”
She slid her hand across her head to make sure her hair was in place. “I don’t know. I just think it’s an insensible notion. I do want to go with you, though.” With a bite of her bottom lip and a teasing smile she pulled three pieces of paper from her hand purse.
“I’ve even made arrangements,” she said slyly.
Rein’s eyes widened and she smiled with overjoyed delight. “Tickets? You have tickets? You rag, Saria! You love to torment me, don’t you? Well when? When are we going?”
“Tomorrow! I’ve talked to my father and he’ll take us. Well, to the ship, anyway. Edgar, one of our senior butlers, is going to come with us. But knowing him, he’ll leave us plenty be, and—”
“Saria, that’s so wonderful!” Rein said, hopping off the bench and throwing her arms around Saria. “You already have tickets—my goodness!”
“Apparently it’s one of the finest ships there are,” Saria said, pulling away. She looked down and brushed off her bodice. “Oh, Rein! Look what you’ve done, hugging me like that! My dress is nearly covered in dirt!”
“I don’t have a bit of dirt on me,” Rein said with frustration. “I don’t understand why you pester me so much!”
Saria sighed and then giggled, throwing her arms around Rein despite the dirt. “Oh, I love you just as you are, Rein! You beautiful piece of God’s creation! You should just learn to work with your beauty instead of working against it. If only we were blood sisters, perhaps I’d have a slight chance of having as much beauty as you!”
“Don’t say such a silly thing, ever. You’re perfectly handsome! And tomorrow will be fine—great!” she said with a laugh, turning and making her way toward the front of the house. “We’ll have so much fun together! It will be worth it, I promise.”
“I am sure it will be.”
“My! I have to pack!” Rein burst with excitement. “You will enjoy it, won’t you?” she called, turning around to face her friend.
“Yes, of course I will. It just isn’t common for women to leave home. We have everything we need. I’m not yet nineteen and you’re barely twenty. We’ve still time to find nice gentlemen, marry, have children—” Saria stopped abruptly. “Oh, my! Nice gentlemen will be absolutely abundant on a steamship, won’t they?” She clapped her hands together. “And any on a steamship ought to be rich, too, you know.”
Rein shook her head with a grin. “Sometimes your intentions worry me.”
Saria laughed. “Well then I shall meet you at your gate a little after noontime with my father. Is that all right? Then we can have lunch before we go.”
“That’s perfect,” she returned. With a wave of her hand, Rein turned and exited through the iron gate, full of excitement for the next morning.

~Chapter 2~

The sky was black with night, and the combination of the ocean mist and the downpour was freezing on Rein’s face. There was a beautiful full moon that lit the ocean’s surface enough to see the boat’s reflection in the water. But a thick fog made it hard to see any farther than a yard or two. Despite the chilling downpour, the waves were rather calm. She shivered; her skin was crawling with chills. She was on the small boat with only Saria, Mr. Kendrick, Edgar, a skipper, and a small rowing crew. Despite the terrible weather, Rein did not complain about having to ride on a dinghy for a few miles to the new steamship that would eventually take her to America.
